Monday 15 June 2015

BIG step in the right direction

These are the tubes that connected the ECMO to Evynn's heart.  We literally waved good bye as the beast left the room!  It saved her life last week... This week will be a different story.

ALTHOUGH we rejoice right now, we are STRONGLY warned that the next 12 hours are EXTREMELY critical.  We have been told that if she starts to crash she will not survive going back on ECMO (and this could be then end of her story).  Her heart remains stiff but is overcoming that for right now, and now being off ECMO she has the time her heart needs.  She remains chest open, and as we have seen that will be a major hurdle.  The inflammation of her heart needs to decrease and closing needs to not squish her IVC.  The stent is still in her IVC and her surgeon says she will not tolerate going to the O.R. any time soon, could be months.  Evynn is high risk for fatal infections, possible lungs issues and a whole host of other potential complications.

Today we give thanks to God and the amazing people he used.


  1. Happy and relieved to see that machine off and praying very hard for her to stay stable over the next 12-24 hours.

  2. We are praying with you and have sent out a call for prayer several days ago right across our district for Evynn asking God to do what seem impossible in the eyes of man but possible in the name of Jesus. Your family is loved so very much. Craig & Wendy Burton

  3. Thinking of you and wishing only good things.
