Thursday, 16 June 2011

Belly buttons...

Evynn and the family are adjusting to being at home with Evynn's condition.  An amusing part of her recovery is the button the surgeon sewed to Evynn's belly so he wouldn't loose the stitches into her skin.
Yesterday, Evynn was back to SickKids to have her picc line removed.  Doctors' are pleased with her ability to nurse, which can be a challenge for babies with HLHS.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Evynn is HOME!

Evynn was discharged from Sick Kids on Saturday and is now at home with her family! 

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Evynn is Moving up

Evynn has been discharged from the cardiac critical care unit and has a new room all too herself in a non critical recovery area (fourth floor) of Sick Kids. Amazing.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

She's Off The Respirator

 Evynn was taken fully off the respirator.

Carol and Jeff have been living at Sick Kids with Evynn for 2 weeks now.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Evynn post surgery - photos are explicit

Evynn is recovering well. The doctors have taken out one of the drainage tubes. She is being weaned off of the respirator slowly. 

This photo was taken while Evynn's chest was open to alleviate pressure.

Her chest was fully closed yesterday.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

June 4th- Chest Closure

Today the doctors closed Evynn's chest, ahead of schedule because she's doing so well. Mom, Dad and Sick Kids Staff are now watching closely to see if her heart will tolerate this step. Big brother Aiden and big sister Noa are praying hard for her to get better and be able to come home.

Friday, 3 June 2011

June 3rd- Progress

Today Evynne is doing very good. The doctors are thinking of closing up her chest in the next few days. Jeff and Carol would like to thank all the people who have prayed and sent their love. Keep the prayers coming. Evynn is one strong baby. This a photo taken pre surgery of Carol giving her a bath.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

June 1st 2011

They have reduced sedation and Evynn opened her eyes for her Daddy today! She was moving a bit too much so they are sedating her to let her keep healing. The doctor's are shaking their heads in amazment at her progress. However, she is still not out of the woods.

A day after baby Evynn's surgery

Evynn surgery took longer than expected due to her complicated condition. She was not doing as well as the doctors wanted her to so she was put medication to increase her heart beat strength and a pacmaker for regularity. She has a machine breathing for her to help her recover. She is back in the Critical Care Unit and is on a long road to recover. The Norwood surgery accomplished what the doctors intended. Evynn is heavily sedated and not out of the woods yet, but she did well over night. The family is coping as best they can with the circumstances. Evynn is a part of three studies at Sick Kids which her parents are happy to know she may help other babies with hypoplastic left heart syndrome in the future.